We absolutely have to give a big thank you to the Gyeonggi English Village Edutainers who contributed to the original creation of our first four shows! So, THANK YOU to the Edutainers of Summer 2012 - Spring 2014:
Samuel J. Craig
Lydia Davis - original Duckling Music
Marc de la Concha - original Rapunzel Script
Eric Doades - original Duckling Script
Alyssa Dye
Sarah Gawron
Ralph Krumins - original Rapunzel Music
Kyle McEwen
Stephanie Faatz Murry - original Campout Script and Music
Matthew Murry - original Campout Script
Briony Price - original Duckling Script
Ryan Quick
Mike Racioppa
Molly Robinson - original Alice Music
Sheryl Beth Silvers
Amber Snyder
Anthony Michael Stokes
Paul Thomas
Nina Waters
Laura Wheeler - original Alice Script
Ashley Whiting - original Rapunzel Script
Brian Patrick Williams